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Louise Laffaille

Swiss and French, the artist Louise Laffaille was born in 1988.

From 2016 to 2021 her water color on paper and oil on canvas aimed to

stirringly and truthfully measure the moods of Nature.

Inspired by asian techniques her recent work Horizons and rencontres

explores the relationship between painting, surfaces and transparency. In

an environnemental concern lots of her work are made with recycling

materials such as plastic film, polystyrene, polyesthene. Coming from water

color, all elements that she collects from the print she takes in nature to

plastics she finds are selected by their capacity to transmit the feeling of

water and horizon in her paintings.

Her work has been shown in New York and Europe, recently at Galerie

Univers Lausanne, Hugo Gallery New York and at First Street Gallery

where she won the National Jury Competition . In France she won the artist

residency at the Castle of La Napoule where her work was exhibited .She

is represented by the gallery Amélie Maison d’Art, Paris 9e, and Françoise

Durst, Paris 16e


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